您现在的位置:霸州煎茶铺强业家具厂 > 公司介绍 |
霸州强业家具厂是以教学用品为主综合性家具制造企业主要产品有排椅、办公家具、教学家具、餐饮家具、民用家具、医用家具等几系列 100 多种产品选用优质材料,先进的生产加工设备,科学管理,热情服务,对客户负责的态度赢得了广大客户的赞许和表彰。 顾客至上的企业精神,始终围绕生产设计、销售及售后服务的一体化服务宗旨,强业人不断以脚踏实地的实干精神、精益求精的制作工艺,热情洋溢的创新精神,生产出高品位、高质量的“强业”牌系列家具,而稳立于家具市场。强业人宗旨:以质量求生存,以信誉求发展。
联系人:赵丹 电话15343164628 QQ1399008612 Strong industry Steel Furniture Factory, is a comprehensive teaching supplies mainly furniture manufacturers have排椅main products, office furniture, teaching furniture, dining furniture, civil furniture, medical furniture, etc. more than 100 kinds of products for several series of high-quality materials, advanced the production and processing equipment, scientific management, the warm service, the customer is responsible for the attitude of the vast number of customers won praise and recognition.
商铺网址:http://sjqyjj.cn.vooec.com |